
Weather Forecast For The Salzkammergut

Last updated: 06.02.2025, 08:35

Friday, 07.02.2025
  Morning: Noon: Evening:


Precipitation: 0/6°C
Precipitation: 0% 0% 0%
Wind: 3km/h 3km/h 3km/h
Wind Direction: East North-East South-East
Saturday, 08.02.2025
  Morning: Noon: Evening:


Precipitation: 1/9°C
Precipitation: 0% 0% 0%
Wind: 0km/h 0km/h 0km/h
Wind Direction: South East South
Sunday, 09.02.2025
  Morning: Noon: Evening:


Precipitation: 1/7°C
Precipitation: 0% 20% 0%
Wind: 0km/h 0km/h 4km/h
Wind Direction: South North West
Monday, 10.02.2025
  Morning: Noon: Evening:


Precipitation: 1/4°C
Precipitation: 0% 0% 0%
Wind: 3km/h 1km/h 1km/h
Wind Direction: East North East

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Snow depths news

Skiing, snowshoeing or cross-country skiing. Here you will find the current measurements for winter sports enthusiasts int he UNESCO World Heritage region of Hallstatt Dachstein Salzkammergut. So for the places: Gosau, Obertraun, Bad Goisern on Lake Hallstatt and Ebensee. This means you are always well prepared and can start your vacation day without stress.

Snow info
Ski area
"Dachstein West" in Gosau

Always well informed! Current fair from the mountain and from the valley: "Dachstein West" Ski area in the Gosau Valley. Snow levels, current weather and much more. For all skiers, snowshoe hikers and ski tourers in the ski arena "Dachstein West" in Gosau an the Gosau Valley in the Salzkammergut in Austria.

  • Daily Snow information
    Ski region "Dachstein West" Gosau
    Well informed for your day of skiing!
    Current readings
    Mountain snow depth: 100 cm
    Snow depth valley: 40 cm
    Fresh snow: 00 cm
    Temperature valley: +04 degrees
    Mountain temperature: -04 degrees
    Weather: cloudy
    Snow condition: grippy
    Last snowfall: 28.01.2025
    More offers
    Lifts - slopes - trails & more
    Open mountain railways and lifts
    (o) G1 Hornspitz-Express I
    (o) G2 Hornspitz-Express II
    (a) G3 Ötscherlift
    (o) G5-G7 Fredy-Land
    (o) Z1 Panorama Jet Zwieselalm
    (o) Z2 Törleck
    (a) Z3 Aussichtsberg
    (a) Z4 Hochkögllift
    (a) Z6-Z9 Zwisiland
    (o) Gosau-Russbach-Annaberg ski area open
    (o) Schneeschuhtrail Trail "Dachsteinblick" Zwieselalm
    (o) Skitourenroute Atomic Backland
    (o) Ski area for children "Fredy-Land" (Mittertal)
    (o) Ski area for children "Zwisiland" (Hintertal)
    (o) Ski huts
    (o) Bergrestaurants
    (o) The cross-country ski trails are open
    (o) Toboggan run "Hintertal"
    Character legend
    (o) open
    (x) closed
    (-) no info no Information
    Please note
    Subject to change
  • Service weather
    Mountain and winter sports weather
    Weather forecast for the coming days
    Changeable end to the week.
    Lots of clouds and some sun.
    Highs: 0 to 6 degrees.
    Mix of sun and a few harless clouds.
    It will be much warmer: 10 degrees in the valleys.
    On the mountains at +5 degrees.
    Partly sunny, but foggy for a longer period of time.
    In the afternoon mostly 4 to 10 degrees.
    Good winter sports weather.
    More weather
    Edited mountain weather report.
    Compiled by meteorologists.
    Subject to change
  • Kontakt Schneeinfo Loipen Gosau
    Daily Snow information
    Trail overview Gosau / Gosai Valley
    The cross-country ski trails in Gosau are open
    All trails groomed!
    (o) Märchenwald-Loipe (Fairytale forest) VT
    (o) Dorfloipe (Village trail) MT
    (o) Sonnenloipe (Sun trail) MT
    (o) Sportloipe (Sports trail) MT / HT
    (o) Kohlstattloipe VT
    (o) "Spreißler" Skating Loipe VT
    Cross-country ski trail location /
    entry point

    VT = Vordertal (in the front valley)
    MT = Mittertal (in the middle valley area)
    HT = Hintertal (in the rear valley area)
    Open overall lengths
    28,4 km: not specified
    23,2 km: not specified
    Character legend
    (o) open
    (x) closed
    (-) no info no Information
    Please note
    Subject to change
  • Service weather
    Mountain and winter sports weather
    Weather forecast for the coming days
    Changeable end to the week.
    Lots of clouds and some sun.
    Highs: 0 to 6 degrees.
    Mix of sun and a few harless clouds.
    It will be much warmer: 10 degrees in the valleys.
    On the mountains at +5 degrees.
    Partly sunny, but foggy for a longer period of time.
    In the afternoon mostly 4 to 10 degrees.
    Good winter sports weather.
    More weather
    Edited mountain weather report.
    Compiled by meteorologists.
    Subject to change
  • Avalanche information
    Updated daily around 18:00 hrs.
    Danger level for Friday, 7.2.2025
    Danger level 1 – low
    Low avalanche danger -
    some higher cloud fields and slightly foehn!
    Local old snow problem in the high altitudes!
    No significant change.
    Please note
    Subject to change

  • Details
    Ski area “Dachstein West Gosau“
    Opening hours
    Location: Mittertal
    City: Gosau / Gosau Valley
    Opening hours
    06.12.2024 - 06.04.2025

Geführte Schneeschuh Wanderug in Gosau

Mon, Feb. 10, 2025 09:45 — 13:00 Valley station of the Hornspitzlift, Gosau

Tue, Feb. 11, 2025 20:00 — 21:00 Valley station of the Hornspitzlift, Gosau

Thu, Feb. 13, 2025 09:45 — 14:00 Valley station of the Hornspitzlift, Gosau

Sat, Mar. 1, 2025 07:00 — 17:00 Atomic Backland Skitourenstrecke am Russbacher Hornspitz, Rußbach am Pass Gschütt

Tue, Dec. 30, 2025 16:30 Panorama-Jet , Gosau

Snow info
Free sports arena
"Dachstein Krippenstein" Obertraun

Always well informed! Current fair from the mountain and from the valley. From Mount "Dachstein Krippenstein". Snow levels, current weather and much more. For all skiers, snowshoe hikers and ski tourers in the Free ride arena "Dachstein Krippenstein" in Obertraun on Lake Hallstatt in the Salzkammergut in Austria.

  • Daily snow info
    FreeSports Arena
    "Dachstein Krippenstein"
    in Obertraun am Hallstättersee
    Current measured values
    Snow depth mountain station: 73 cm
    Fresh snow mountain station: 00 cm
    Snow depth valley station: 10 cm
    Temperature mountain station: -5°C
    Temperature valley station: -1°C
    Wind on the mountain: wind approx. 21 km/h north,
    Weather on the mountain: cloudless, good visibility
    Weather in the valley: Overcast
    Last snowfall: 28.01.2025
    Other offers
    Lifts - Slopes - Trails & more

    Cable car & ski slopes
    (o) Cable car section 01 - Schönbergalm
    (o) Cable car section 02 - summit / 5fingers
    (o) Cable car section 03 - Gjaidalm
    (o) Lifts
    4-seater chairlift slope 1d open,
    valley run 1a, 1b and 1c open
    (o) Slope Krippenstein - Gjaidalm
    (o) Descent into the valley
    (o) Departure chairlift
    Snowshoe trails
    (o) Snowshoe Trail: Dachstein-Hai
    (o) Snowshoe trail: 5fingers
    (o) Snowshoe Trail: World Heritage Spiral
    (o) Snowshoe Trail: Heilbronner Runde
    Cross-country skiing
    (x) Trail Berg / Gjaidalm (2km)
    (x) Loipe Tal / Dorfloipe
    Ski touring
    (x) Ski touring route: Heilbronner Runde
    Other offers
    (o) Children's area "Krippi Park" daily from 09:30
    (x) "Klapf" toboggan run (waterfall wall)
    Off piste conditions
    Please take latest info on the current condition from the info board in the valley station at Outdoor Leadership.
    Daily between
    08:00 - 08:30 hrs.
    Please note
    Subject to change
    (o) open open
    (x) closed closed
    (-) no info no Information
    (+) uncertain / weather dependent
  • Service weather
    Mountain and winter sports weather
    Weather forecast for the coming days
    Changeable end to the week.
    Lots of clouds and some sun.
    Highs: 0 to 6 degrees.
    Mix of sun and a few harless clouds.
    It will be much warmer: 10 degrees in the valleys.
    On the mountains at +5 degrees.
    Partly sunny, but foggy for a longer period of time.
    In the afternoon mostly 4 to 10 degrees.
    Good winter sports weather.
    More weather
    Edited mountain weather report.
    Compiled by meteorologists.
    Subject to change
  • Avalanche information
    Updated daily around 18:00 hrs.
    Danger level for Friday, 7.2.2025
    Danger level 1 – low
    Low avalanche danger -
    some higher cloud fields and slightly foehn!
    Local old snow problem in the high altitudes!
    No significant change.
    Please note
    Subject to change

  • Freeride information
    off piste conditions
    Please take latest info on the current condition
    from the info board in the valley station of the
    "Dachstein Krippenstein" cable car
    Please note the safety tips
  • Details
    Free Sports Arena Krippenstein
    Opening times: 21.12.2024 - 30.03.2025
    Location: Krippenstein
    City: Obertraun on Lake Hallstatt
    Subject to change

Veranstaltungen auf dem Krippenstein

Fri, Feb. 7, 2025 09:30 — 12:30 Dachstein-Krippenstein-Cable car, Winkl 34 Obertraun

Fri, Feb. 7, 2025 09:30 — 12:30 Dachstein-Krippenstein-Cable car, Winkl 34 Obertraun

Fri, Feb. 7, 2025 09:30 Dachstein-Krippenstein-Cable car, Winkl 34 Obertraun

Sat, Feb. 8, 2025 09:30 Dachstein-Krippenstein-Cable car, Winkl 34 Obertraun

Fri, Feb. 28, 2025 07:30 Dachstein-Krippenstein-Cable car, Winkl 34 Obertraun

Snow info
Ski area
Mount "Feuerkogel" in Ebensee

Always well informed! Current fair from the mountain and from the valley: Ski area "Mount Feuerkogel" Snow levels, current weather and much more. For all skiers, snowshoe hikers and ski tourers in the ski arena "Mount Feuerkogel" in Ebensee on Lake Traunsee in the Salzkammergut in Austria.

  • Snow information
    Feuerkogel Ebensee
    Well informed for your day of skiing!
    Current measurements

    Snow depth mountain: 60 cm
    Fresh snow: 00 cm
    Snow depth "Gsoll" valley station: 50 cm
    Mountain temperature: approx. -4 C°
    Weather: cloudy
    Wind mountain: approx. 10 km/h
    Slope condition: good
    Last snowfall: 28.01.2025
    More offers
    Lifts - slopes - trails & more
    Slope conditions: very good
    (o) Cable car to the Feuerkogel
    (o) Various lifts
    (o) Various snowshoe trails: No. 1, 2 and taster trail
    (o) Marked ski touring routes
    (x) Ski variant into the valley
    (x) Cross-country ski trail in the valley
    Daily between
    08:00 - 08:30 hrs.
    Please note
    Subject to change
    (o) open
    (x) closed closed
    (-) no info no Information
  • Service weather
    Mountain and winter sports weather
    Weather forecast for the coming days
    Changeable end to the week.
    Lots of clouds and some sun.
    Highs: 0 to 6 degrees.
    Mix of sun and a few harless clouds.
    It will be much warmer: 10 degrees in the valleys.
    On the mountains at +5 degrees.
    Partly sunny, but foggy for a longer period of time.
    In the afternoon mostly 4 to 10 degrees.
    Good winter sports weather.
    More weather
    Edited mountain weather report.
    Compiled by meteorologists.
    Subject to change
  • Avalanche information
    Updated daily around 18:00 hrs.
    Danger level for Friday, 7.2.2025
    Danger level 1 – low
    Low avalanche danger -
    some higher cloud fields and slightly foehn!
    Local old snow problem in the high altitudes!
    No significant change.
    Please note
    Subject to change

  • Details
    Mount Feuerkogel
    Opening times: 14.12.2024 bis 30.03.2025
    Location: Mount Feuerkogel
    City: Ebensee am Traunsee
    Subject to change

Water Temperatures
Lake Hallstatt and Gosausee

Framed by a wonderful mountain panorama, the crystal clear lakes shimmer like a postcard to attract attention and offer an exciting mix of active and relaxing holidays. Whether on or under the water - the fjord-like Lake Hallstatt and the picturesque Gosausee are always in season. And these are the current water temperatures:

  • Service
    Water temperatures
    Lake Hallstatt
    Lake Gosau
    Current average value: °C 03
    Measured on: 07.02.2025
    Water quality: very good
    Subject to change
  • Service
    Water temperatures

    Lake Hallstatt
    Current average value: °C 04
    Measured on: 07.02.2025
    Water quality: very good
    Subject to change

How’s the weather?

I'm coming to Hallstatt in February – what will the weather be like? Our editorial department receives these and other questions regarding the weather, on a daily basis. For this reason we have compiled some information for you below: Between June and early September is midsummer in the region. We recommend light and airy clothes, bathing suits and of course an umbrella. Because without rain, it is not a summer. In the months of September to the end of November it is Autumn in the Salzkammergut. Warm clothing is required; non-slip footwear and the obligatory umbrella should be in your luggage. Between the beginning of December and the beginning of March winter has its say. Warm jackets and shoes are now in demand, because in these months, the thermometer can sometimes fall to minus 10 degrees Celsius. In the Salzkammergut Spring usually awakes at the end of March or beginning of April. Then it is a bit more airy. However, you should have a rain jacket in your luggage at this time of year. Those who follow these

What's going on today?

The weather in the Salzkammergut is as diverse as the imposing cultural and natural landscape of the World Heritage region. And the numerous events around Lake Hallstatt are as colourful and varied as our event calendar. Below we have put together all today’s main events for you. Enjoy yourselves and have fun!

Feb. 6 - 9, 2025 Congress and Theater House Bad Ischl, Kurhausstraße 8 Bad Ischl

Fri, Feb. 7, 2025 Valley station of the Salzberg cable car, Hallstatt

Fri, Feb. 7, 2025 09:00 Salt mine (Salzwelten) Hallstatt, Salzbergstraße 1 Hallstatt

Fri, Feb. 7, 2025 09:30 — 12:30 Dachstein-Krippenstein-Cable car, Winkl 34 Obertraun

Fri, Feb. 7, 2025 09:30 — 12:30 Dachstein-Krippenstein-Cable car, Winkl 34 Obertraun

Fri, Feb. 7, 2025 09:30 Dachstein-Krippenstein-Cable car, Winkl 34 Obertraun

More events

The entire range of events within the Salzkammergut region can be found in our large selection at www.im-salzkammergut.at.. The entire recreational offerings of the four towns of the UNESCO World Heritage region of Hallstatt Dachstein Salzkammergut can be found here: Bad Goisern an Hallstättersee, Gosau, Hallstatt and Obertraun.

Urlaub im Salzkammergut bei jedem Wetter!